I still have a 12864 display from an Anycubic Mega Zero, but this only has one ISP 10-pin connector. If I understand the connection diagram correctly, this should still work because the display does not have an SD card slot. When I connect the display, the backlight works but nothing else. Do I have to reconfigure something here in Marlin? I once entered the settings for the RepRap display, but without success.
Thanks for your help.
In marlin configuration.h you need to turn off the dgus display that is set by default. Look for the following lines and add // as shown. You will have to compile again. See if that fixes the display. If it doesn't I would just buy a standard Reprap discount graphic smart controller (cheap as hell on ebay). I tried to figure out a similar display from a MKS robin lite setup and waisted way too much time trying.
//#define ULTRA_LCD
Hi, have not found this LCD wiring , but seems it is not compatible. https://github.com/markniu/PandaPi/wiki/How-to-wire#2-connect-to-lcd12864